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Rabu, 17 Desember 2014

Wpbeginner Responsive Wordpress Adsense Theme

Wpbeginner Responsive Wordpress Adsense Theme - To all visitors of this blog, I say welcome and thank you for visiting the blog Tech News Today Look for all the things you need that are available on this blog. If not available, please leave suggestions and comments for the development of this blog. now we will discuss first about Wpbeginner Responsive Wordpress Adsense Theme we have collected a lot of information from sources to create this article, so please see.

Articles : Wpbeginner Responsive Wordpress Adsense Theme
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Wpbeginner Responsive Wordpress Adsense Theme

Wpbeginner Theme's Main Features

Super faster and user friendly responsive blogging theme with a simple but awesome layout.

Right sidebar- This theme has a right side dynamic sidebar.

Slider sidebar - Theme supports you to show ad or any kind of widget under navigation menu in all of the page.

Super search box - There is a nice search box in this theme.

Super sticky post- YOu can display your sticky post as a featured post .

Custom Logo option – You can upload your custom logo on the place of site title. Suggested dimensions are 300 x 50.

Custom Background – Theme supports background color changes and a background image.

Footer widgets - bottom of your page you can use 3 footer widgets.

Back To Top - There is a nice back to top scrolling button on theme footer.

Responssive - Theme has a responssive layout.

Wpbeginner Installation Process

Step-1. unzip and extract 'wpbeginner' folder
Step-2. upload wordpress bloggers folder to 'wp-content/themes/' directory
Step-3. go to Dashboard -> Appearance -> Themes and install theme.


go to Dashboard -> Appearance -> Themes -> add new -> upload -> browse -> define '' file -> install now -> active theme

Wpbeginner Notes

- To change background or to add a logo, go to the Dashboard -> Appearance -> Customize.

- Make sure to set a navigation menu after installation by clicking setup menu.

-For theme support you can ask me .

Wpbeginner change log
- Initial release.

      Download Wpbeginner Theme Here ( it will be given when get approved )

information Wpbeginner Responsive Wordpress Adsense Theme has been completed in the discussion.

hopefully the article we give the title Wpbeginner Responsive Wordpress Adsense Theme can provide knowledge for you in living everyday life in determining the gadget that suits your needs.

you just read the article about Wpbeginner Responsive Wordpress Adsense Theme if this article is useful for you and want to bookmark it or share it please use the link thank you and do not forget to comment if anyone.

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Related : Wpbeginner Responsive Wordpress Adsense Theme

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