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Sabtu, 09 April 2011

And I said how about breakfast... The Cosmic Omelet

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And I said how about breakfast... The Cosmic Omelet

Last weekend my friend Jeri took me out to her favorite local breakfast restaurant-THE COSMIC OMELET- for some Saturday morning eating. It is a cute little place with a very...unique...atmosphere. The walls are covered with local art, old concert posters, and sarcastic signage. And the eggs themselves are quite scrumptious too (and also all have fun names).

 When I go to cute places like that I generally like to take pictures, but now that I have a D-SLR people get a little freaked out. I come in with a big camera on my neck and people get all weirded out and think something special must be going on.

Nope. Just a college kid wearing a camera as a necklace. Nothing weird there.
 My breakfast: hashbrowns, 2 pieces of rye toast, and a cheese/tomato/spinach/mushroom/jalapeno omelet.
(No ALL the food isn't mine. That's Jeri's blueberry pancakes and scrambled eggs.)

I tried to get some good pictures of the place, but it is very tiny and I could tell I was creepin' people out. So eventually I just started taking creepy shots with the camera at my waist and my finger inconspicuously on the shutter butter. Good times.

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hopefully the article we give the title And I said how about breakfast... The Cosmic Omelet can provide knowledge for you in living everyday life in determining the gadget that suits your needs.

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