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Kamis, 30 April 2015

Copy in your Windows PC and paste it into your Android Phone.Amazing,then read me.

Copy in your Windows PC and paste it into your Android Phone.Amazing,then read me. - To all visitors of this blog, I say welcome and thank you for visiting the blog Tech News Today Look for all the things you need that are available on this blog. If not available, please leave suggestions and comments for the development of this blog. now we will discuss first about Copy in your Windows PC and paste it into your Android Phone.Amazing,then read me. we have collected a lot of information from sources to create this article, so please see.

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    Copy in your Windows PC and paste it into your Android Phone.Amazing,then read me.

    Hi iam going to share a wonderful peace of software which solves your problem while doing multiple tasks with your Android and Windows PC.So on the sudden you may arise with a question "How to share the clipboard contents from my Windows PC to Android Phone".Well iam here to solve your problem.

    Steps to sync your clipboard contents to Android
    It is not going to be a big task for you guys.It is simple.

    • Download ClipSync Server 3.0 (Uploaded onto my personal server).
    • Install the application you have downloaded and Run It and make sure your Android and PC were in the same network.Go and Click on the ClipSync icon like this and you will get an IP Address.
    • Now go and grab your Android phone.It seems it is the easiest step so iam not providing you any screenshots.Goto PlayStore and search for ClipSync then install it.
    • Now open the application and Press Options or Menu key and press New Server.Enter the IP Address you have got in the previous step and fill it in the first textbox carefully.
    • Now press "CONNECT AND SAVE",thats it if all goes well,then you will be greeted with a CONNECTED notification.
    Even if it is a smarter application.This has some drawbacks like.It does'nt enable the power of cloud sharing only used inside a Local Area Network and also in the trail version,the copied text has some size limitations,that is only a partial amount of text will be copied.If you like it,then what are you waiting for go and purchase the PRO.

    Don't hesitate to talk with me through the comment box.

    information Copy in your Windows PC and paste it into your Android Phone.Amazing,then read me. has been completed in the discussion.

    hopefully the article we give the title Copy in your Windows PC and paste it into your Android Phone.Amazing,then read me. can provide knowledge for you in living everyday life in determining the gadget that suits your needs.

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    Related : Copy in your Windows PC and paste it into your Android Phone.Amazing,then read me.

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