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Rabu, 12 Oktober 2016

The Glimpse of Paradise

The Glimpse of Paradise - To all visitors of this blog, I say welcome and thank you for visiting the blog Tech News Today Look for all the things you need that are available on this blog. If not available, please leave suggestions and comments for the development of this blog. now we will discuss first about The Glimpse of Paradise we have collected a lot of information from sources to create this article, so please see.

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The Glimpse of Paradise

I can't Imagine how Jannah will look  when  Dunya is this beautiful as the below picture... In the Garden of delight (Paradise), immortal Boys will go around serving Belivers, with Cups and jugs, with the fruits that they may choose and the flesh of bowls that may desire and there will be Hur (Fair females) with wide lovely eyes (wives for the pious), like unto preserved pearls. No any dirty, false or evil will ever therein and there greeting is Salam Salam (Greeting of peace). The fruits of Jannah are plenty and it supply will never  Cut off, varily Allah created them of special creation.

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