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Rabu, 18 Februari 2015

How to Customize all Android Phone Rom use to Tickle My Android App....

How to Customize all Android Phone Rom use to Tickle My Android App.... - To all visitors of this blog, I say welcome and thank you for visiting the blog Tech News Today Look for all the things you need that are available on this blog. If not available, please leave suggestions and comments for the development of this blog. now we will discuss first about How to Customize all Android Phone Rom use to Tickle My Android App.... we have collected a lot of information from sources to create this article, so please see.

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    How to Customize all Android Phone Rom use to Tickle My Android App....

    How can I use Tickle My Android for Customize all Android Phone Rom..

    Whats needed:-
    • Tickle My Android Download
    • Java Run-Time Environment Soft  v_7.00 Download
    • Data Cable
    • Computer
    • ADB Driver Download
    • Patience and a little common sense

      The world famous Theming and Decompiling Tool Tickle My Android , is now even better than ever before!!

      TMA Can pull apps from your phone or tablet, decompile them and recompile them. Even tricky apps like China Android Phone "framework-res.apk"

      Work Descriptions:-

      • Change the battery icon,
      • Change the WIFI icon,
      • Change the Network signal icon,
      • Change the Emotion icon,
      • Change the notification toggles,
      • Change the softkeys style,
      • Change the pattern lock style,
      • Change the lock screen style,
      • Change the status bar transparency (Depend to the ROM)
      • All apk file decompiling and recompiling
      • Build pop Edit
      • Others ......etc....

      If you're running Android 2.3 or above, you'll also need to give USB Debugging permission on your phone when this sort of message pops up on the screen:-

      Download the tool to the root of C:\" from the link at the bottom of this post and run it. This is a self-Extracting archive which, once it's extracted everything, will put on your pc a new folder called "Tickle My Android" This is where the tool runs from.

      (NB:-If you extract the archive to anywhere other than 'c:\', Tickle My Android will not run!!)

      The "_WorkArea1", "_WorkArea2", "_WorkArea3", "_WorkArea4", "_WorkArea5", "_WorkArea6" folders we'll talk about later.
      The "tool_files" folder contains various files Tickle My Android needs to run. Don't touch these!
      The "user_files" folder will hold your icons backups, boot animations and fonts. In here are your log files as well, you might need those later. 

      And the "Tickle My Android" exe file starts the tool. Double click on that and away we go!

      How To Decompile An Application

      The very first thing you need to do is backup your device. If you don't know how to do this, it's worth finding out first before going any further. Tickle My Android  lets you change the very workings of your device and if you don't know what you're doing, it's possible to get things wrong. If you haven't made a backup, you could lose everything.. And that would be bad.

      Next, you need to install your resource apk file.

      No idea what this means? Files with the '.apk' extension are the actual Android app's and some apks contain information that will need before it can decompile any others.

      Those apk are known as "resource"or, sometimes "framework" files. The most common resource file is "framework-res.apk"but there are others.

      First pick your Work Area, This is new to Tickle My Android . You can now work on up to three different rom's or devices without having to reset the tool every time you want to change from one to the other.Each Work Area is completely separate from the others and you can easily change which one you're using in the Settings Menu.

      Inside each Work Area are four folders. The "_deodex" folder is used for deodexing files (this is covered in the next few posts), the "_in" folder is where files about to be decompiled go, the "_working" folder contains the results of that decompiling and the "_out" folder contains the recompiled files.

      For now though, you can actually ignore all this. When you first use TMA, you'll be in WorkArea 1 by default and we'll cover the other folders later.

      So, to begin decompiling your application, go to the Theming Menu.


      Next select the Pull Menu.

      This gives you the option of pulling (copying from your Android device to the PC) one of the most commonly modified system files, or any other file you wish.

      Pull and install 'framework-res.apk'. This is the most common resource apk. Depending on your device or rom, you may need to install others as well. You'll normally find these in your framework folder with "resources" or "res" in the filename, and I've listed the most common ones. 

      If in doubt, use the 'ADB Shell' option in the Title Menu and enter the command 'ls system/framework' to see what files you actually have in the framework folder.


      Once you've installed the relevant resource apks, you'll need to decompile some apks. Which ones? Well, that's the tricky bit as it all depends on what sort of mod you want to do. If you're on Gingerbread (Android 2.3) or higher, the chances are you'll need to pull and decompile SystemUI.apk.

      Once a file has been decompiled, have a look in the "_WorkArea1\_working" folder. You'll see a folder with the same name as that file, this contains all the various files (images, xml, smali, etc) that the file you pulled actually consists of. Now you can make all the changes you desire.

      How To Recompile An Application

      Once you've finished changing things, go back to the Theming Menu and select the Recompile Files option and put everything in that folder back into a single file. 

      You'll have the option to recompile with the original signaturenew signature or no signature. For most mods you'll want to use the original signature.

      Only use a new signature if you've changed the Android manifest. If you have no idea what that means, don't worry about it and just use the original signature.

      This recompiled file will now be in the "_WorkArea1\_out" folder. From there you can push it back to the device.

      How To Put A Recompiled Application Back On Your Device

      This is where your recovery comes in. Select the Create Flashable Zip File option to create a flashable zip. There are two types available:

      The "advanced zip" and "advanced zip [Android 4.1+]" use the Universal Flashing Tool by java run-time soft. This is an absolutely incredible tool and full credit goes to them. These zips can do a lot of clever things but the bit that I like most is that they create a flash able backup of every file you've changed.
      Don't like what you've changed? just flash the backup!!!


      How ever, the advanced zips don't work with all versions and ports of every recovery program. If you find yourself faced with an error message saying that "we need at least one SD-card mount" the advanced zips aren't compatible with your recovery. That's where the "Standard Zip" Comes in. This doesn't generate a backup, it's just an ordinary flash-able zip file.

      will Just select the option to use files from the Out folder. If you've recompiled "framework-res.apk" put it  into "system/framework". If you've recompiled "systemUI.apk" put it into "system/app". Any other files, make sure you took note of where they were pulled from.

      Note: I will not be held responsible in any way for any harm done on your device when practicing this as rooting has a high tendency of bricking your device do it at your own risk
      See at more:-(My Facebook Page)

      information How to Customize all Android Phone Rom use to Tickle My Android App.... has been completed in the discussion.

      hopefully the article we give the title How to Customize all Android Phone Rom use to Tickle My Android App.... can provide knowledge for you in living everyday life in determining the gadget that suits your needs.

      you just read the article about How to Customize all Android Phone Rom use to Tickle My Android App.... if this article is useful for you and want to bookmark it or share it please use the link thank you and do not forget to comment if anyone.

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      Related : How to Customize all Android Phone Rom use to Tickle My Android App....

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